تنظيف بجودة الأعشاب الطبيعية! نقدم لكم هيرباليزم المنظف الغني بجودة الطبيعة، والذي يحتوي على إكليل الجبل المهدئ للمزاج والقُراص مع مزيج خلاصة خل الأرز ومسحوق اللوز للإستمتاع ببشرة نظيفة وصافية. تُستخدم قطعة صغيرة من المنظف على راحة اليد وتُمزج بالماء حتى تصبح كالمعجون ثم تدهن على البشرة قبل شطفها بالماء الدافئ.
Herbalism is one of the products that I recommend to my sister who is having a breakout and it help to dry and reduce the pimples that she has on her face.
Is it helpful?
تم التقييم 5 من 5
It properly cleans out my skin and makes it feel nice and soft afterwards.
Is it helpful?
Firoj khan –
تم التقييم 5 من 5
I really appreciate having vegan and cruelty-free products! As a customer, that means a lot to me. I really enjoyed this product—it was very nice! I am currently dealing with acne and pimples, and it has really helped improve my skin.
Is it helpful?
yan –
تم التقييم 5 من 5
I bought this product to try something new for my face, and after just one use, I noticed a major difference! My skin feels incredibly soft, looks its best in a long time, and I’ve even received compliments on my glow.
Gine –
Herbalism is one of the products that I recommend to my sister who is having a breakout and it help to dry and reduce the pimples that she has on her face.
It properly cleans out my skin and makes it feel nice and soft afterwards.
Firoj khan –
I really appreciate having vegan and cruelty-free products! As a customer, that means a lot to me. I really enjoyed this product—it was very nice! I am currently dealing with acne and pimples, and it has really helped improve my skin.
yan –
I bought this product to try something new for my face, and after just one use, I noticed a major difference! My skin feels incredibly soft, looks its best in a long time, and I’ve even received compliments on my glow.