من قال أن العمل والمتعة لا يجتمعان؟ سرُّ الاستمتاع بشعر جذاب وناعم يفوح منه مزيج العطور الصيفيّة الآسر هو هذا البلسم الغني بزيت زهر البرتقال وحليب اللوز والأزهار والفواكه.
يُشع “هابي هابي جوي جوي” تألقاً بمزيجه اللذي يجمع زهر البرتقال التونسي والورد التركي إلى جانب أزهار البرتقال التي تأسر الأحاسيس وتأخذكم إلى مروج الحمضيات في فصل الصيف. يساعد زيت الجريب فروت على منح الشعر اللمعان والبريق اللازم بينما يُزوّد زيت الجوجوبا العضوي الشعر بطبقة خارجيّة تحميه وترطّبه.
قائمة المكونات
Ninochka Cleofe –
This is amazing hair conditioner in Lush. Its a quite expensive but i really loved to use it, my hair become more shiny and perfectly smell so good…
Dan –
I would say “Hair Perfume”
Karylle –
It was a fantastic experience using this kind of product ,after a messy hair day and staying whole day under the sun, This product is the " ANSWER"..
My hair becomes so soft,bouncy and long-lasting fragrance…Must try!!!!!
Maricar –
This conditioner really does make me happy. It makes my hair soft. And I love the scent of neroli! Must try!????????
gete –
This Happy Happy Joy Joy is a summer scented hair condtinor with neroli, orange blossom and rose oil that help to sooth the scalp and soften the hair after shmpooing. Your hair will have very nice fragrance after use, must recommed this to others….
mary grace –
I love this conditioner. The first few times I thought it was heavy and made my scalp feel oily but then I figured out how much to use and now my hair looks amazing!
jamillah –
I have thin, fine hair so I only use a little and it works great! This is my favorite conditioner. Smells lovely and leaves my hair so soft, not weighted down at all.